Dr. Mitchell has no skill with the brush or pen, but he can repeatedly click a mouse button. This occasionally generates aesthetic results, reminiscent of metaphorical monkeys and typewriters. Some of this effort has been solicited for web design and t-shirts, and the rest is just for fun. Below are some selected works of graphic design and art. All are created in JASC Paint Shop Pro 7, which dates from 2001 but remains a surprisingly versatile (and free) design platform.



Hymenopteran diversity and behavior, inspired by the lab’s tangential publication on wasp biology.


An illustration of sphinx moth species of the American southwest, celebrating many decades of research at the University of Arizona.


Longhorned beetle species of eastern North America, arranged in a biologically improbable formation.


Panel arrangement depicting insects in a late season prairie.


i5k ALB Genome Project

A logo for the Asian Longhorned Beetle genome project, riffing off the logo for the 5,000 insect genome initiative.

i5k CPB Genome Project

Proposed logo for the Colorado Potato Beetle genome project, another early genome of the i5K.


Logo drafted for the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, and a rare example of vertebrates creeping into the design process.

Web Design / Other

International Society of Chemical Ecology

I created and maintained the website of the ISCE (right) from 2012-2023, by which point my philosophy of web design was rather markedly showing its age.  I since assisted with the transition to a more modern WordPress site.

[visit website]

26th Annual Insect Fear Film Festival

The winning entry for the 2009 Insect Fear Film Festival t-shirt at the University of Illinois.

29th Annual Insect Fear Film Festival

Final shirt design for the 2011 festival. An ant ripping up the Eiffel Tower – what’s not to like?

Schedule of Events, National Pollinator Week in Champaign-Urbana

It took forever to format this poster, so it will remain in this portfolio regardless of age or relevance.