
Under review / revision

Gondek, M., A.E. Lacey, and M.E. McPhee.  Habitat preferences of reintroduced Whooping Cranes in Wisconsin.  


McPhee, M.E., B. Clucas, J.K. Young.  In Press.  Animal Behavior. In L. Powell and J. Carroll, editors. The Wildlife Techniques Manual: Research. 9th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.

Woody, S. S. O’Dell, J. Krapfl, S. Warner and M. McPhee.  2024. Assessment of heavy metal and metalloid concentrations at Horicon National Wildlife Refuge.  Wetlands Ecology and Management.

Hartup, B., P. Smith, S. Warner, and M.E. McPhee.  2021. Assessing levels of methylmercury in the endangered whooping crane. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107: 809–813, 10.1007/s00128-021-03325-1

Sadowski, C.L., G. Olsen, and McPhee, M.E. 2018.  Effects of rearing environment on behavior of captive-reared whooping cranes.  Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop, 14:56-66.

Kozuch, A. and M.E. McPhee. 2014. Effects of environmental complexity and temporary captivity on foraging behavior of wild-caught meadow voles.  Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 17:157-171, doi: 10.1080/10888705.2014.881256.

McPhee, M.E. and N.F. McPhee.  2012.  Relaxed selection increases trait variance and decreases reintroduction success in simulated populations. Animal Conservation, 15:274–282, doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2011.00512.x

delBarco-Trillo, J., M.E. McPhee, R.E. Johnston. 2011.  Syrian hamster males below an age threshold do not elicit aggression from unfamiliar adult males.  Aggressive Behavior, 37(1):91-97.

Larimer, S., R.E. Johnston, M.E. McPhee, J. E. Johnston, P. Fritzsche, K. Neumann, Z. Song. 2011.  Foraging behavior of golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) in the wild.   Journal of Ethology, 29(2): 275, doi: 10.1007/s10164-010-0255-8.

McPhee, M. E., A. Segal, and R. E. Johnston. 2010.  Hamsters use predator odors as indirect cues of predation risk.   Ethology, 116: 517–523.

McPhee, M.E. and K. Carlstead.  2010. The importance of maintaining natural behaviors in captive mammals.  Pp. 303-313 in: Wild Mammals in Captivity: Principles and Techniques for Zoo Management, 2nd Edition.  Editors, D.G. Kleiman, M. Allen, and K. Thompson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Invited submission) 

delBarco-Trillo, M. E. McPhee, and R. E. Johnston. 2010. Adult female hamsters can learn to avoid interspecific mating after exposure to heterospecific males.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64:1247–1253.

delBarco-Trillo, J., K. Gulewicz, A. Segal, M. E. McPhee, R. E. Johnston.  2009.  Can captivity lead to inter-species mating in two Mesocricetus hamster species?  Journal of Zoology, 278:308-312 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2009.00577.x.

delBarco-Trillo, J., M. E. McPhee, R.E. Johnston. 2009.  Nonagonistic familiarity decreases aggression in male Turkish hamsters, Mesocricetus brandti. Animal Behaviour, 77:389-393  doi: 10.1016/ j.anbehav.2008.10.012.

McPhee, M.E., A.E. Ribbeck, R.E. Johnston. 2008. Male golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) are more reactive than females to a visual predator cue. Journal of Ethology, 27:137-141. DOI 10.1007/s10164-008-0099-7.

Gattermann, R., R. E. Johnston, R. N. Yigit, P. Fritzsche, S. Larimer, S. Özkurt, K. Neumann, Z. Song, E. Colak, J. Johnston, and M. E. McPhee.  2008.  Hamsters are nocturnal in captivity but diurnal in nature.  Biology Letters, 4:253-255.

McPhee, M. E. and E. S. Silverman. 2004. Determining release population size: Incorporation of behavioral and morphological variation due to captivity. Conservation Biology, 18(3):705-715.

McPhee, M. E. 2004. Morphological change in wild and captive oldfield mice, Peromyscus polionotus subgriseus. Journal of Mammalogy, 85:1130-1137.

McPhee, M. E. 2003. Generations in captivity increases behavioral variance: Considerations for captive breeding and reintroduction programs. Biological Conservation, 115: 71-77.

McPhee, M. E. 2003. Effects of captivity on response to a novel environment in the oldfield mouse (Peromyscus polionotus subgriseus). International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 16:85-94.

McPhee, M. E. 2002. Effects of captivity on behavior and morphology in the oldfield mouse, Peromyscus polionotus subgriseus. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

McPhee, M. E. 2002. Intact carcasses as enrichment for large felids: Effects on on- and off-exhibit behaviors. Zoo Biology, 21: 37-48.

McPhee, M.E., J.S. Foster, M. Sevenich, and C.D. Saunders. 1998. Public perceptions of behavioral enrichment: Assumptions gone awry. Zoo Biology, 17: 525-534.

McPhee, M. E. 1998. Behavioral Research on Captive Mammals: Its Purpose, Effectiveness, and Perception. Master’s Thesis, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.


Stewart, K. and M. E. McPhee.  2018.  Technical report:  Simulation of whooping crane population size over time under forced renesting.  Report to WCEP and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Necedah, Wisconsin.

McPhee, M. E. and N. F. M. McPhee.  2015.  Technical report:  Simulation of whooping crane population size over time under forced renesting.  Report to WCEP and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Necedah, Wisconsin.

McPhee, M. E. and D. G. Kleiman.  2014.  Using pre-release behavioral assays to predict post-release success in the Perdido Key beach mouse.   Final Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vero Beach Office, Vero Beach, Florida.

McPhee, M.E. 2013.  Workshop on Conservation Behavior at ABS Boulder 2013.  The Conservation Behaviorist, 10(1):6.

McPhee, M. E. and E. Silverman.  2004.  Behavioral Deficiencies and the Reintroduction of Animals into the Wild.  The Conservation Behaviorist, 2(1):5 (Invited contribution).

Fascione, N. and M. E. McPhee. 2001. Carnivore conservation in the twenty-first century. Endangered Species UPDATE, 18(4): 97.

McPhee. M. E. 1998. The Audubon guide to seafood revisited. Endangered Species UPDATE, 15(6): 105-107.